38 睽 K'uei
Polarizing–Opposition–Fire Over Lake

Fire over lake is oil floating on water set afire. The firestorm is a conflagration. More water will not quench this inferno. This maelstrom of mixing fire and water causes turmoil. Opposites can attract or repel. The positive and negative opposing forces are unbalanced and unstable. If this contrary discord is not ameliorated, more mayhem will ensue. The consequence of ignoring these contradictory polarities, if not neutralized, causes great misfortune. You never get old if you die young.

Associated Tarot Cards:
Hanged Man
does not oppose the natural laws of the universe.
Hieorphant is about holding opposing forces in balance.
Chariot is victory over opposing forces.
Devil stands for opposing forces.
King of Cups is of two minds.
Seven of Wands holds his position from opposition.
